Name Change

You know how gifted people are stereotyped as perfectionists who are never pleased with themselves?

Yeah. Stereotypes exist for a reason.

The name I'd given this blog has been wearing at me as not quite right pretty much from day one, and I finally realized why: the name, or rather the thought behind it, was too much about advocacy. Now, I will be writing some advocacy stuff, no question, but this blog is mainly intended for people who already believe in the need for GT services. So I wanted a more general name. And I've just spent the last three hours wracking my brain to come up with this: Twenty-Nine Letters.

You may find this an odd name. Its meaning is very personal. This blog is now named for (not after - for) the first gifted student with whom I ever worked. She continues to inspire me and I thought it only fitting that I honor her somehow. And no, there weren't 29 letters in her name; it's not that simple! There are 29 letters in the word I taught her how to spell the first day I worked with her: floccinaucinihilipilification (here's the link to prove I'm not just making that up). And yes, she learned it.

The original "What is an Icarus Indomitus?" post will stay up, because I do still believe in that philosophy. It's just not an appropriate name for the blog as a whole.


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